Sarah Smith

2643 days ago

Lefty BBC star Sarah Smith does not even question palpably false SNP Money Tree claims

As of yesterday, Scotland accelerated its quest to become the Greece of the North as it passed a budget making it the highest tax region of the UK. Higher rate taxpayers in the Celtic welfare safari will pay £400 a year more tax than those earning £43,000 or more anywhere else in the UK. Fine. Sooner or later the Money Tree worshipping heathens will discover that the Laffer curve is no laughing matter.


2803 days ago

Scotland & the BBC - is the big issue, really how gay friendly the nation is?

Sarah Smith is, as I write, prattling away on Radio 4 about how Scotland likes to boast that it is different from England & Wales. And as evidence of this, Sarah tells us that 4 of 6 party leaders in Scotland are openly gay, Nicola Sturgeon is promising the most transgender legislation in Europe and Sarah tells us that Scotland is the most gay friendly country in Europe. Great. Happy days. I shall get out an old John Inman video and book my holidays now.
